CLEMIS Public Crime Search
This is a Web-based crime map of the City of Ann Arbor. Users can map out verified criminal activity near any address, select crime types, date ranges and generate reports.
CLEMIS Public Crime Search pulls incident data every 24 hours from the Ann Arbor police records system.
Community members can subscribe to crime alerts and receive email updates when new crimes occur near a specific address.
Only crimes that have been through a review and approval process are displayed. Cases under review are not in the daily updates.
- Click here to begin search
Getting Started
To view Ann Arbor crimes only, go to 'filter by area' and select Ann Arbor from the drop-down list.
Dates and times for each specific crime(s) will be added either to the map as a visible layer, or on a separate spreadsheet.
How to Obtain Crime Alerts
Community members can receive crime alerts by:
- Signing up to receive emails about crime alerts.
Speak Up, Provide Tips Anonymously
If you have information about a crime or potential crime, please report it to us. You may remain anonymous when sharing the information.
AAPD Tip Line: 734.794.6939 OR
Crime Stoppers: 800.SPEAK UP or 734.794.6932