Flows and energy use
Why This Target?
The Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) is responsible for the effective treatment and acceptable discharge of the wastewater generated by the Ann Arbor community as well as portions of Ann Arbor, Pittsfield and Scio townships. Staff is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the WRRF and eight sewage lift stations located around the City.
Wastewater flow is tracked daily and reported to the state for compliance purposes. The flows are also used to budget for chemical, power, and equipment needs.
The WRRF has limited control over the flow it receives therefore the goal is to treat all flow to exceed NPDES permit standards prior to discharging into the Huron River.
The Data
Interpreting the Results
Total monthly flows vary significantly depending on weather and time of year. On average the plant treats and discharges around 522 million gallons of wastewater per month.
Currently the WRRF's goal is to be at or below 2,310 kWh per million gallons treated based on benchmarking our plant's energy use against typical and best-practice levels across the industry. This goal will continue to be refined as equipment and operational changes allow.
The fine print
Plant volume data updates multiples times daily to our Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, the charts above show only the monthly totals.