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Active Employee

Active Member​s

​​​You are an active member of The City o​​​f Ann Arbor Retirement System if:

  • You are enrolled in The City of Ann Arbor Retirement System and you are still working for The City of Ann Arbor.
  • You enrolled in the System, left City Employment, left your contributions in the System and have not yet started receiving retirement benefits from The City of Ann Arbor's Retirement System.

Retirement System Contact Information:

532 S. Maple Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Phone: 734.794.6710

Fax: 734.994.9205


Healthcare Benefits Contact:

Kimberly Barry

Phone: 734.794.6125

Fax: 734.794.6136​

Thinking about retiring soon? 

Click here to see how to begin the process!

Employee Self Service ​​Website 

(Available on A2Central under the Retirement Department)

  • View your contribution account statements
  • View your accrued benefit from the AAERS pension plan
  • Estimate your pension benefits using various retirement dates
  • Verify your current beneficiary designation

Social Security Retiremen​t Planning

The Social Security Office has a robust suite of online tools to help and find answers.  

 Anyone age 18 and older may create a personal my Social Security account from any location and on any device at With a personal my Social Security account, most people can request a replacement Social Security card or Medicare card online, obtain personalized retirement and spouse's benefit estimates, check application or appeal status, and review their Social Security Statement. The Statement is an easy-to-read summary of the estimated benefits you and your family could receive, including potential retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Find more information about the Statement at​nt. ​

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