This dataset represents revenue data from the City’s budget system and is used in the development of the fiscal year 2011 budget to Council. It is organized by Fund, Agency-Orgs (which are service units and their budget subdivisions). This report can change daily during budget season from December until April. For purposes of the data catalog, the City will post a new report monthly. The Financial and Budget Planning Services Unit is part of Financial and Administrative Services Area. For information about specific transactions, please contact the person listed below.
Point of contact
Karen Lancaster, Accounting Services Manager
100 North Fifth Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734-794-6000 ext. 4-5209
Fax: 734-994-2777
Email: klancaster@a2gov.org
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
Data accuracy
This report is a download from the City’s budget system. The FY2011 Total Dept Request reflects what the City Administrator’s proposed budget may include and does not reflect any actual approved numbers by the City Council until they approve the budget on May 17, 2010.
- FY 2008 Final Actual
This reflects a download of final, audited amounts for FY2008 from the City’s financial system.
- FY 2009 Final Actual
This reflects a download of final, audited amounts for FY2009 from the City’s financial system. - FY 2010 Adopted Budget
This reflects the original adopted current year budget amounts for FY2010.
- FY 2010 Modified Budget
This reflects a download of the current year budget amounts for FY2010 as of the latest month-end closing from the City’s financial system.
- FY 2010 YTD Actual
This reflects a download of the current year actual amounts for FY2010 as of the latest month-end closing from the City’s financial system.
- FY 2011 Planned Request
This reflects the amounts in the two-year plan presented to Council during the FY2010 budget approval process in May of 2009. This amount remains static and is used for comparison purposes.
- FY 2011 Total Dept Request
This reflects what the City Administrator’s proposed budget may include and does not reflect any actual approved numbers by the City Council until they approve the budget on May 17, 2010.
- Difference
This reflects the difference between the FY2011 Planned Request and the FY2010 Total Dept Request columns.