This dataset contains any purchase orders for the City of Ann Arbor for fiscal year 2022. It is organized by service area/units of the City. As a general rule, purchase orders are required for purchases greater than $3,000. This report is updated monthly. The Procurement Services Unit is part of Financial and Administrative Services Area. For information about specific transactions, please contact the person listed below.
Point of contact
Kim Buselmeier, Budget & Finance Supervisor301 E. Huron St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734.794.6000, extension 45105
Email: kbuselmeier@a2gov.org
Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-5pm
Data accuracy
This report is a download from the City’s financial system.
- Department
This represents the City service area/unit responsible for the purchase order. - Type
N/A - Status
N/A - P.O. Amount
Total transaction amount of the purchase order. - Amount Voided/Discounted/Expensed
Total amounts in each category for the purchase order. - Remaining Amount/Amount Encumbered
Total amount still open on the purchase order.