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City Resources

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Ann Arbor Commission on Disability​​ Issues

PO Box 8647
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8647

The Ann Arbor Commiss​ion on Disability Issue's vision is: An Ann Arbor whose facilities, programs, businesses and organizations are accessible to persons of all abilities, and where inclusion and full-and-equitable participation in community life are available to everyone. Meetings on the third Wednesday of each month with public comment time available.

City of Ann ​Arbor Communications

Special accommodations for public meetings can be requested. In addition, public meetings are televised on the CTN. Ann Arbor Commission on Disability Issues meetings are televised with a picture-in-picture sign language interpreter.

Automated messages (verbal) about solid waste collection are available by calling 9-9-GREEN or 734.994.7336.  

Visual messages regarding city notices and announcements are broadcast on Comcast Cable channels 16, 17, 18, and 19 during the CTN's non-programming hours. 

To request newsletters in an alternative, more accessible format, please email the city communications office at ​​

Telephone nu​mb​e​r for TDD relay service​​

TDD relay service is available toll free from the Michigan Relay Center by calling 1-800-649-3777 or 711. ​​​

Elections ​​and​ Voting

​​​​​Absentee​ ballots and ​​in-person v​oting​

Visit the City of Ann Arbor voting webpage. ​​​

Emergency S​​e​​rv​​ices


A TDD system has been built into 9-1-1 since 2000. If a TDD caller calls 9-1-1 on any line, the phone recognizes the tones and brings up the system, which operators begin typing on. 

​E​​me​rgency notification system 

The emergency notification system ( contacts registered individuals by telephone to notify them of imminent threats to health and safety—such as a chemical spill, evacuation notice, bomb threat, boil water notification, or missing child alert. Residents must register for this emergency notification service.

Sign up to rece​ive tele​​phone notification in case of emergencies

Registration is available through https://member.everbridge​.net/454514914099298/notif.​​​

Prep​​aring for em​​​​​​​ergencies

​The city office of emergency management (OEM) coordinates all emergency planning for weather-related and other disasters, maintains an emergency operations center, conducts emergency preparedness training and operates a citywide storm/tornado warning siren system. The OEM recommends taking some common sense steps to prepare yourself for an emergency:

  • Be ready before the next emergency or disaster occurs. Have a disaster kit and a plan of action. See the “helpful resources" section below for practical suggestions.

  • Team together with friends and neighbors. This would be an excellent opportunity to meet your neighbors and form your own neighborhood association or group to help each other in planning for emergency situations.

  • Stay tuned to CTN local Comcast Cable TV Channel 19 for emergency notification updates and local information. 

Helpf​​​​​ul ​​resources

Ann Arbor ​Housing Commis​sion


Section 8 Rental Assistance:  The AAHC administers Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers. These Vouchers allow a participant to live in a privately owned rental unit with the AAHC subsidizing their rent for the difference between 30% of their income and the monthly rent charged. 


Low Rent Public Housing: The AAHC manages and maintains low income rental housing units at 17 sites in the city of Ann Arbor. We provide housing for the elderly, disabled, and for families. Unit sizes range from 1-5 bedroom units. The rent charged is 30% of the adjusted family income of the tenant. Residents have the option of choosing a flat rate for their rent.  Our new residents are eligible applicants chosen from our waiting list.

Recrea​​​​tion, ​​Leisure and Sport

​City of Ann A​​rbor

Leslie and Huron Hills Golf Courses - Everyone is welcome to use the city golf courses and instructional programs. Both the Leslie Park and Huron Hills clubhouses meet ADA accessibility guidelines. Both courses also offer a specially designed single rider cart for golfers needing special assistance. If you require special accommodations to participate, please call  (734) 994-2786 and we will be happy to work with you.

Senior Programs - The Ann Arbor Senior Center provides services such as audio looping, closed caption television, multiple programs/services that help promote independent living, awareness of new technology or health related services that help everyone  make the most of our abilities. Senior Center staff takes pride in their customer service and will be happy to work with individuals that need special accommodations to participate in our program and services. When possible, please call  (734) 769-5911 at least two weeks in advance if you are requesting special accommodations.

Local org​​ani​​zations

Ann Arbor District Library - "The Ann Arbor District Library provides collections, programs, and leadership to promote the development of literate and informed citizens through open and equal access to cultural, intellectual, recreational, and information resources."

Ann Arbor Recreation and Education - “Rec&Ed" is a department of the Ann Arbor Public Schools that provides opportunities for active recreation, community involvement, informal non-credit courses and collaborations with other community organizations. Rec & Ed provides accommodations that support differently abled children and adults in their participation.

S​now and I​​​ce​ Removal

​City code requires property owners to remove snow and ice from sidewalks and pedestrian ramps next to their property.  Information about snow removal from sidewalks may be found on the sidewalk snow removal page.  Violations may be reported to the Community Standards Unit at 734.994.1788 or

The city is responsible for removing snow and ice from public streets. Information about street snow-removal practices and snow emergencies may be found on the snow removal webpage. The phone number is 734.794.6942.

​Street​s, Build​​ings and Parking

​Disabili​ty parking locations

City of Ann Arbor ​Disability Parking Request Policy  

It is the policy of the City of Ann Arbor to accommodate, where possible, requests for on-street disability parking. For off-street (private) disability parking requests, contact the property owner.​​

A resident with a disability may request that the city designate an on-street disability parking space in the vicinity of his or her residence. The city will add signage and designation where feasible, at no charge to the resident.

A business may request that the city designate an on-street disability parking space in the vicinity of the business. These requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, based on the parking conditions within the vicinity. If approved, the city will designate a space and install signage, at no charge to the business. Within the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) district and other designated areas, the city may also install parking meters at the disability parking space.

Conditions of this policy are as follows:

  • ​Requests will be honored, where possible, for residents and businesses without adequate access to off-street disability accessible parking.

  • The designated space may be removed at the discretion of the transportation manager or his/her/their designee.

  • The resident/business does not maintain exclusive use of the accessible parking space. Anyone with a valid disability parking placard or license plate may utilize the space/meters.

  • If the disability parking signs are installed in an on-street residential parking permit zone, the user will be subject to the conditions of the residential parking permit regulations.

  • Users of on-street disability parking spaces are subject to all additional parking regulations and enforcement, including posted time restrictions, meter payment, and snow removal restrictions.

For more information about requesting a residential or non-residential disability accessible parking space and procedures, see the link below.

Disability Parking Policy and Procedures.pdf

Disability parking request forms

To download a copy of residential and non-residential disability parking request forms in fillable pdf. format, click on the appropriate link below.

Questions and Comments

Please feel free to contact the city engineering transportation group with additional questions and/or comments by email at  or by phone at 734.794.6410.


  • Ann Arbor Airport

  • ​Bus services from the Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority - The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority has a mobility management service to assist people with disabilities. More information is available at https:​//www.t​​, or by calling 734.677.3948. ​

  1. A-Ride door-to-door transportation service:  
  2. AAATA Services for Seniors  

T​rash, Compost and R​​​ecycling ​​Collections

Side pickup for solid waste is available for disabled residents.

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