Quick Links
- City of Ann Arbor Parking Code, Title X, Chapter 126.
- Generally invalid reasons for appealing.
- Not appealing citation? Pay online.
- Parking fines and associated late fees - last changed August 1, 2018 (PDF).
- U Of M Ordinance to Regulate Parking and Traffic.
- U Of M parking citation fines
How does it work?
If you have a problem related to a parking citation and wish to appeal the citation, a parking referee is available to hear your complaint. Please note that fines do not increase while the citation is on hold and being reviewed. This does NOT apply to the next business day discount. If you choose to appeal, you may forfeit the discount. Please avoid appealing a citation and paying a citation at the same time. Citations may not be appealed by phone.
Payments made on citations that are on hold represent your wish to admit responsibility for the citation, and will not be refunded. The postmark for a payment is accepted as evidence of a timely payment. See the back of the citation for more information, or you may call the parking referee information line to hear this information at 734.794.6549.
Appeal Online
To appeal a parking citation electronically, please go to the Ann Arbor Citation and Parking Enforcement site, search for your citation number and then select the appeal option for the citation.
Appeal via U.S. Mail
If you are unable to submit the form to appeal online, or you're unable to appear in person, you may appeal via U.S. mail. The mailing address is: Parking Referee, 301 E. Huron St., P.O. Box 8647, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Please be specific about the nature of the problem, and include the details shown below in your letter. As stated above, please provide documentation whenever appealing a citation.
- Vehicle license plate number.
- Date of incident.
- Time of incident.
- Location of incident.
- Citation number or the original/photocopy of the citation would be preferred.
In-Person Parking Referee Sessions
- Monday 2pm-4pm, North Conference Room
- Tuesday 9am-12pm, North Conference Room
- Wednesday 10am –12pm, South Conference Room
- Thursday NO SESSIONS
- Friday 2pm-4pm, South Conference Room
All sessions are held at Larcom City Hall, 1st Floor, 301 East Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104
There will be no in-person sessions on 2/10/25 and 2/21/25
Citation Overpayment Policy
The city treasury will take proactive steps to ensure customers are given proper credit for payments made while continuing to make efficient use of our resources. Overpayments of fines will be handled under the city's parking overpayment policy (PDF).
Request to appeal a parking referee decision to the 15th District Court
To appeal the parking referee decision to the court, complete the informal hearing request form. See form for details.
Invalid Appeals
The following are generally not considered valid reasons for appealing a parking citation.
- I only parked in that space for a few minutes.
- I didn't see the sign.
- I'm not familiar with parking regulations.
- I didn't have change, or I was going to get change.
- I did not intend to park illegally.
- There aren't enough legal/convenient parking spaces.
- No one else received a citation.
- I have never received a citation before in the area.
- The fine is too much.