- A2 Open City Hall forum
- Alarm permits and Registration
- Animal Control
- Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority
- Ann Arbor Art Fair
- Ann Arbor District Library
- Ann Arbor Farmers Market EBT
- Ann Arbor Public Schools
- Ann Arbor SPARK economic development
- Ann Arbor Summer Festival
- Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Auctioneer license
- Backyard chickens permit
- Banner permit
- Bicycling
- Bid process
- Block party permit
- Bonfire permit
- Building and trade permits
- Charitable gaming license
- Citizen Guide to Finance and Budget
- City boards and commissions
- City code
- City Council and mayor
- City directory
- City events calendar
- City expenditures
- City maps
- City publications
- Code enforcement
- CodeRED emergency alerts sign up
- Community development
- Community outreach - fire services
- Community special events - police services
- Community standards enforcement
- Community Television Network
- Commuting options
- Construction permits
- Construction/Building services: plan review, permits, inspections, code enforcement
- Contact us
- Courts online case search
- Courts online docket search
- Courts online payment for civil infraction and ordinance violation tickets
- Crime maps
- Data catalog
- Disability resources
- Dog license
- Dog park registration permit
- Dog parks/registration
- Domestic partnership form
- Domestic partnership termination form
- Downtown Development Authority
- Elections
- Email subscription service
- Emergency alert systems
- Emergency alerts
- Emergency management
- Emergency preparedness
- Environment
- File a claim
- Filming in Ann Arbor
- Fire department
- Fire education
- Fire hydrant permit for connection to city water (PDF)
- Fire inspections and permits
- Freedom of Information Act requests
- Park rental
- Parking
- Parking permit
- Parks and places
- Parks and Recreation
- Parks and recreation events
- Parks and recreation scholarships
- Pay parking ticket
- Pay property taxes
- Pay water bill
- Pistol registration
- Planning services: master planning, site plan review, zoning administration and enforcement
- Platted subdivision maps
- Police department
- Police reports and records
- Property assessments
- Property Information
- Public art
- Public meeting notices
- Recreation opportunities
- Recycling, compost, trash
- Rental housing services: residential rental inspections, code enforcement
- Rentals of parks, facilities, shelters
- Report a problem
- Report water main break, sanitary sewer backup, basement flooding
- Request for proposals
- Right-of-way contractor permit
- Road and lane closures
- Sidewalk occupancy permit
- Sign permit (PDF)
- Social media
- Sound permit — temporary exemption from maximum permissible levels
- Special effects permit
- Special event permit
- State Street Area Association
- Stormwater management and rates
- Street barricade permit
- Supportive Connections - Refer a Person in Need
- Sustainability
- Tent permit (PDF)
- Title VI Non Discrimination
- Towed vehicles
- Traffic questionnaire
- Transportation
- Trash, compost, recycling set-out assistance
- Trash, recycling, compost collection
- Trees