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Sustainability-Related Boards and Commissions

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The Office of Su​stainabilit​​y and Innovations supports two of Ann Arbor's community advisory commissions: The Energy Commission and the Environmental Commission.   

What is th​​e ​ro​le of the c​ommissions? 

City boards and c​​ommission​s make p​​eriodic public reports and recommendations to City Council and the City Administrator on ways to improve city government programs and ordinances on energy or environmental topics. Commissions generally meet once monthly, are open to the public, and are broadcast and recorded on the Community Television Network (CTN). 

The Ener​gy​ ​​Com​​​missio​​n​

​​The Energy Co​​mmissi​on focuses on energy-related work. Learn more about the Energy Commission.​

The Environme​​n​tal Co​mmission 

The Environmen​​tal Commission was created by C​​ity Council in 2001 and is comprised of up to 15 members of the public appointed by City Council, including two youth members. The Environmental Commi​​ssion meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm and is tasked with:  

  • Advising staff on the development of comprehensive, integrated environmental policies to protect and enhance our air, water, land, and public health. 
  • Helping set goals and policies for the City and community to continuously improve the natural and built environment. 
  • Working collaboratively with other City commissions, boards, and committees which have responsibilities for specific issues, including but not limited to the Planning Commission, Energy Commission, Park Advisory Commission, a​nd Leslie Science & Nature Center Advisory Board. 

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What projects ha​​​​​ve​ o​​ur commissions helped to advance?  

Green St​r​​e​ets P​​olic​​y 

The Environmen​tal Commission's Water Committee proposed a Green Streets Policy that City Cou​​ncil adopted, which sets stormwater i​nfiltration standards for public streets. 

Ener​​gy Ben​​c​​​hmar​​​king 

The Energy Comm​ission p​roposed a resolution to develop an ordinance to disclose commerc​​​ial building energy data. City Council approved this resolution and the Energy Commission is now working on the proposed ordinance.

Comm​un​​​ity ​Sola​​r 

The Energy Commiss​​​ion proposed a resolution that was adopted by City Council in support of pilo​​ting options for commu​nity solar with DTE.  

Urban an​​d Com​​m​unity Forest Mana​​​gement 

The Park Advisory an​d Environmental Commissions both provided comment and recommended the adoptio​​n of the first Urba​n and Community Forest Management​ Plan for Ann Arbor. 

Ho​w ca​​n I g​​​et involv​ed?  

City residents interested in apply​ing for an open position on a City board or commission can​ apply h​ere​. Currently available positions ​are listed under the "Vacancies" tab on ​the City's Boards and Commissions website.​​ For more informatio​​n about serving on any City board, please contact the Mayor's Office at 734.794.6161. 

What​ ar​e oth​er ​commissions related to sustainability? 

Greenbelt Advisory Commission (1st Thursday of each month at 4:30pm)

Historic District Commission (2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm) 

Housing Commission (3rd Wednesday of each month at 6pm) 

Planning Commission (Tuesdays at 7pm) 

​Park Advisory Commission (3rd Tuesday of each month at 4pm)

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