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In November​​ 2​019, Ann Arbor City Council passed Resolution 19-2103: A Resolution in Support of Creating a Plan to Achieve Ann Arbor Community-Wide Carbon Neutrality by 2030. In this Resolution, Council called on staff to work with the public to create a living plan for achieving carbon neutrality, and to present that plan to City Council by Earth Day 2020.

To initiate this work, we launched A2ZERO. The A2ZERO initiative is the framework for the City's efforts to be carbon neutral, community-wide, by 2030.  A2ZERO is iterative, transparent, failure-positive, and grounded in justice and equity.

From November 2019 through April 2020, thousands of Ann Arborites, over 70 technical advisors, and more than 60 partner organizations helped to create the A2ZERO Carbo​n Neutrality Plan. In total, 68 public meetings were held, 3 public surveys administered, 4 technical advisory groups convened, dozens of peer reviewed and technical reports were analyzed, and peers from around the world were consulted to help create A2ZERO.  

On June 1st, 2020, Ann Arbor City Council Members unanimously adopted A2ZERO! Click on the Current Activities​ page to learn more about where we are with implementing A2ZERO. ​​

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