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Solar RFP

This website contains supplemental materials related to RFP 21-05: ​Solar Installations at City Facilities. Included on this page are details regarding energy usage, meter locations, and rooftop conditions for the thirteen sites being considered for solar installations. Not all information is available for all sites.  Bidders are also encouraged to use other tools, such as Google Earth, to supplement information provided below when preparing their bids. 

Monthly Energy Information 

Interval Data


Building Voltage Information

Meter Locations

​Relevant Drone Footage

The City has aerial drone footage for a number of the proposed sites. These files are too large to post on the City's website but they can be shared with interested individuals via a file sharing platform. While most of the information available in these files could be accessed via Google Earth, if bidders are interested in having these videos, please contact Josh MacDonald at​

Attendees at Pre-Bidders Meeting

A list of attendees at the pre-bidders meeting held on February 19th, 2021 can be found here​.

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