What is the Ann Arbor Commercial EV Charger Program?
With the goal of increasing the availability of publicly accessible EV chargers, the Commercial EV Charger Program provides an opportunity for commercial and multifamily property owners in Ann Arbor to receive up to four FREE level 2 EV chargers.
Grant applicants must meet the eligibility criteria to be considered, and applications will be prioritized based on criteria including the geographical location and expected usage of the EV chargers. The highest priority eligible applications will be awarded chargers until funds are expended.
Grant recipients will need to follow the grant terms and conditions, which include, among others, limitations on the cost of charging as well as a requirement that the chargers be fully accessible to the public.
What is provided through the Commercial EV Charger Program?
Grant applicants can receive up to four FREE level 2 FLO CoRe+ EV chargers. These chargers will be provided with a 5-year performance warranty and a 5-year software package. Charger accessories, including a cable management system, may be provided depending on site needs and available funding.
After careful research of available EV charger options, the FLO chargers were selected due to the City's positive experience owning and operating FLO chargers as well as the robust software and maintenance plans offered.
As noted above, any software package and warranty provided through this program are provided for 5 years. After that time, grant recipients will be responsible for their own software and maintenance costs. Grantees are also responsible for all electrical upgrades, make ready, installation, and operational costs associated with the EV chargers. Interested applicants are encouraged to speak with an electrical contractor to learn more about these costs for their site(s).
Who is eligible to apply?
Commercial and multifamily property owners or managers are eligible to apply. The spaces where applicants intend to install EV chargers must be owned by the applicant and located within Ann Arbor city limits. Multifamily properties must have at least 5 units at the proposed location where EV chargers would be installed to be eligible.
Applicants must have the electrical infrastructure available to support EV chargers before applying. No formal grant award will be made until a grantee can prove that the site is ready for EV charger installation. Additionally, the spaces where applicants intend to install EV chargers must be publicly accessible to be eligible for this grant.
What are the grant terms and conditions?
In order to participate in this program, property owners must agree to the grant terms and conditions. These terms and conditions include but are not limited to having the required electrical capacity on site to install EV chargers at the time of application, limiting the cost of charging to no more than the cost of electricity plus FLO's transaction fee, allowing full public accessibility to the EV chargers, maintaining a 90% uptime of chargers, installing specific signage, and reporting charger data to the City. Additionally, once an applicant is selected to receive EV chargers through this program, the City will transfer ownership of the chargers to the applicant, who will have the responsibility of installing the chargers within 90 days after receipt of the EV Chargers.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the terms and conditions carefully before applying as the City will not entertain changes.
How will grant recipients be selected?
Applications will be prioritized based on the location of the parking spaces where EV chargers would be installed and expected charger demand. The City will use the scores on this map, which takes into account access to opportunity, density of multifamily rentals, access to public transportation, and local EV charger availability, to determine high priority locations, with higher scoring sites receiving higher priority.
Does this program stack with any other EV charger incentives?
This program can stack with DTE's Business EV Charger Rebate, which provides up to $2,000 per level 2 charger port. Funds from this rebate can be used to cover charger installation costs or other expenses in cases where installation costs are less than $2,000 per level 2 charger port. You can visit DTE's website to learn more and apply for the Business EV Charger Rebate. Please note that this rebate is not guaranteed to all applicants.
How do I apply?
To apply, follow this link to the application page. The application will remain open on a rolling basis until funding is expended. Applicants must provide a complete application to be considered.
Step by step guide for applying for the grant and installing EV chargers
Step 1: Research, site analysis, and decision-making
The first step before applying for this grant is to do research. Applicants will need to determine how many EV chargers they need and where they would like to install them as well as what charger and accessories work best for their situation. The U.S. Department of Energy has an Electric Vehicle Charger Selection Guide that may be useful during this process. Please note that the Commercial EV Charger Program can provide up to 4 level 2 EV chargers at sites located in Ann Arbor.
Additionally, applicants will need to engage with an electrical contractor to verify they have enough electrical capacity on site to support EV chargers, and to receive a quote for the cost of installation. Be sure to share the specifications and installation guide for the chargers provided through this program with the contractor so their quote can be as accurate as possible. DTE's EV Charger webpage has information that may be useful during this process. Additionally, the Michigan Saves' contractor list may be useful for finding a local electrical contractor. Applicants to the Commercial EV Charger Program will need to provide the City with the quote from a contractor and must demonstrate they have the electrical capacity required to support EV chargers at the time of application.
After conducting this initial research, applicants should assess if the equipment provided and grant terms and conditions make Ann Arbor's Commercial EV Charger Program a good fit.
Step 2: Prepare and apply for Ann Arbor's Commercial EV Charger Program
In order to fill out the grant application form, applicants will need to provide information about their site. The application will remain open on a rolling basis until funding is expended.
Once applications are reviewed, those who are deemed high priority will move on to the next stage of the application process. This stage will require applicants to meet with the City to discuss charger accessory needs as well as provide a quote from their electrical contractor to verify that their site has the electrical capacity required to support the chargers awarded. The City will then make a determination on final award and notify all applicants of their status. Anyone selected for award will need to sign the grant agreement and associated terms and conditions. The City will provide EV chargers following the signing of the grant agreement.
Step 3: Apply for DTE's Business EV Charger Rebate
DTE's Business EV Charger Rebate provides up to $2,000 per level 2 charger port. These funds can be used to cover charger installation costs or other expenses in cases where installation costs are less than $2,000 per level 2 charger port. Visit DTE's website to learn more and apply for the Business EV Charger Rebate. Note that this rebate is not guaranteed to all applicants.
Step 4: Install EV chargers
If selected as a grant recipient, the next step is completing charger installation within 90 days of receiving chargers. Your electrical contractor should handle the installation of EV chargers. Additionally, awardees will need to purchase and install the required signage, as outlined in the grant agreement.
Step 5: Report data and maintain chargers
Once your chargers are installed, awardees will be required to allow the City of Ann Arbor to inspect the site at a mutually agreeable date and time to ensure that all installation requirements are met. Awardees must maintain at least 90% up-time of chargers and report charger data to the City of Ann Arbor twice per year. More details on this process will be provided once grants are awarded.
After 5 years, the software package and warranty provided through this program will expire. At that time, grant recipients will be responsible for their own software and maintenance costs. Individuals can learn more about the software and warranties offered by FLO for their EV chargers on their website, or by contacting FLO's team.
Why apply?
EV adoption is growing, and there are many benefits that come with installing EV chargers at multifamily and commercial properties. Ann Arbor's Commercial EV Charger Program provides an opportunity for commercial and multifamily property owners in Ann Arbor to experience the benefits of EV charging while significantly lowering the upfront cost of purchasing EV chargers.
Benefits of Installing EV charging
Increased property value
Installing EV charging enhances a property's appeal to the growing number of Ann Arbor residents who either own an EV or are considering purchasing an EV. This in turn can increase the value of the property. A survey conducted by the national Multifamily Housing Council found that 27% of respondents were interested in purchasing an EV, and respondents were willing to pay an additional $28 per month for this amenity.
Increased tenant, customer, and employee satisfaction
By enabling tenants to charge at their home, installing EV charging stations at a multifamily property can increase the satisfaction of tenants, which in turn can lead to better tenant retention. Similarly, providing EV charging stations at a commercial business for employees and customers allows them to charge their vehicle while they are away from home, a crucial amenity to some, leading to increased employee and customer satisfaction. Installing EV charging stations can also increase the amount of time that customers spend at your location.
Remaining competitive in an evolving market
The number of properties with EV chargers in Ann Arbor is increasing at a rapid rate. This is due in part to the EV Readiness Ordinance that was passed on January 19th, 2021. The ordinance requires that developers who propose a project requiring a site plan for City Council (typically new projects or major renovations) provide a number of EV charging stations on the site. Installing EV charging stations now can put you ahead of the game, prevent future headache when making major expansions, and help ensure your property remains desirable.
Helping Ann Arbor Achieve its A2ZERO goal
The City of Ann Arbor's Office of Sustainability and Innovations has created the City's A2ZERO carbon neutrality plan to equitably achieve a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by the year 2030. This plan includes the goal of increasing community-wide adoption of EVs and expanding the network of public EV chargers. By installing EV chargers at your property, you are helping us achieve this goal and move our carbon neutrality plan forward.
When Ann Arbor residents know that they will be able to find a place to charge their EV in the community, they can confidently make the decision to purchase an EV. EVs produce significantly less GHG emissions than their gas-fueled counterparts. According to the U.S Department of Energy, an electric vehicle fueled by the grid in Michigan produces over 70% less GHG emissions than a gas-fueled vehicle. An EV fueled solely by renewable sources, such as on site solar, produces no GHG emissions.
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