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A2ZERO Ambassadors

​Interested in being involved in local climate and sustainability action?

If you answered yes, the A2ZERO Ambassador program may be for you!

A2ZERO Ambassadors play a vital role in achieving community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030. No prior experience is necessary to join, and all Ann Arbor community members are invited to apply. 

What is the A2ZERO Ambassador Program?

The A2ZERO Ambassador Program is a 12-session training program that hosts community members to explore pathways for advancing local sustainability initiatives, resilience, and carbon neutrality​ in Ann Arbor. Sessions are held weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. EDT and include in-person and hybrid components.

Why become an A2ZERO Ambassador?

​​Ambassadors will gain increased knowledge, tools, and resources to discuss sustainability and learn about specific actions they and their communities can take to advance carbon neutrality. No previous experience is required, and all interested in sustainability are encouraged to apply. 


During their training, A2ZERO Ambassadors learn about topics such as:  
  • Principles of equity and environmental justice 
  • Community sustainability, climate change, and climate action
  • Energy principles, beneficial electrification, and renewable energy
  • Water efficiency, water quality, stormwater, and our watershed
  • Transportation and our choices about moving around our community 
  • How to get to a circular economy through waste reduction, composting, recycling, sustainable purchasing, and material reuse
  • Sustainable Food: how to grow it, eat it, and find it 
  • Personal and community resilience
  • What Ambassadors can do to advance carbon neutrality 

How can I get involved?

Applications for our next cohort of A2ZERO Ambassadors are now closed. A2ZERO Ambassador trainings are held in March - June.

If you want to be notified when the applications for the next A2ZERO Ambassador Cohort are open, fill out this form:

Interested in staying up to date with the Office of Sustainability and Innovations? 

Reach out to with any questions.

Expectations of Ambassadors

​Whether it’s a home energy audit, energy recovery ventilator, electric appliance, heat pump, solar panel, storage batteries, electric vehicles, chargers, or even insulating your home, making energy efficiency changes can be time-consuming and confusing, luckily, we have friendly neighbors who can share their experiences and lessons learned to help you get started! 

The Green Energy Neighbors, developed and administered by a dedicated group of A²ZERO Ambassadors, is a free service that connects individuals (“Learners”) who are considering energy efficiency improvements with community members who have already made some of these changes (“Mentors”).

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