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Home Energy Assessment

In many cases, the first step contractors will take is to perform a home energy assessment (or an energy audit), which will identify the top priorities for reducing your home's energy use. A certified energy auditor can examine your home's insulation, air tightness, heating/cooling systems, and other sources of energy consumption. This diagnostic testing can help determine the best ways to upgrade your home's energy performance and provide guidance on taking a whole-house approach. 

Home energy assessment are an easy way to learn how you can save energy and money and create a healthy and comfortable home. During an energy audit, a professional energy analyst examines each room of your home to provide energy-saving recommendations tailored to you. They will identify which home projects can save you the most money and energy, and may offer to do some minor repairs or upgrades for you, such as changing light bulbs to LEDs. 

According to the Department of Energy, implementing the energy upgrades recommended in a Home Energy Audit can save anywhere between 5%-30% on your monthly energy bill. These improvements will also lead to increased comfort — a warmer home in the winter and a cooler home in the summer. Finally, many of these improvements lead to improved air quality and a healthier, safer home. 

Hire an Energy Audit​or

Check out Michigan Saves or DTE​ to find details about the energy audit process or to hire an auditor. 

The following organization provides free energy audits for income-qualified families: 

  • The Washtenaw County Home Weatherization Assistance Program provides free weatherization services to qualified Washtenaw County residents. The program is implemented in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy and is designed to help residents lower their utility bills. They perform a free energy audit and from the results of that audit, and provide​ eligible repairs on the home for free, for eligible homeowners or renters. 
  • Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley provides critical home repairs, exterior projects, appliance replacements and other home improvements for families, individuals, seniors and veterans in Greater Washtenaw County who are of qualifying-income. 
  • DTE’s low-income programs allows you to schedule an appointment with a DTE Energy Specialist, who will come to your home for a basic walk-through. They will check windows and doors, ventilation and home energy use for adequate efficiency, and install free energy-efficient products. 

Perform a Preliminary A​ssessment (DIY) 

W​hile ​a professional home energy assessment is the best way to determine where your home could improve its energy efficiency, you can conduct your own walk-through and spot many problems within your home. This "do-it-yourself" home energy assessment can help you pinpoint some of the easier to address issues. Create a thorough checklist of areas you have inspected, and problems found during your walk-through assessment, to help prioritize which energy efficiency upgrades to perform. 

Information on how to DIY energy assessment (under development) 

Link to self-assessment educational materials (under development) 

Need tools to measure Indoor Air Quality and Air Leakage

OSI is partnering with the Ann Arbor District Library (AADL) to help residents get access to some easy-to-use tools to lower energy costs, measure indoor air quality, maintain indoor health and comfort, and reduce energy waste. The A2ZE​RO Kit focusing on sustainability-related materials is available for check out from any AADL branch. The kit will include meters for measuring energy use, indoor air quality, air leakage and more. 

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