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Sustainability Stories

Solar St​ories​

On the first Thursday of each month, the Great Lakes Renewable ​Energy Association hosts ​Ann A​rbor Solar Stories,  a one-hour virtual event highlighting​ residents who have gone solar. To hear their stories and learn more about solar​​, you can visit the Ann Arbor Solar Stories Yo​uTube channel. Or, attend a Solar Stories event live and bring your questions! These events take place virtually at 7:00pm the first Thursday of each month. Register with the GLREA​ for "Thursd​ay Night Energy Events" to receive meeting links.​

​​​Sol​ar Panels: First-Hand

​Interested in get​ting solar, but not sure what to expect? Check out "Let Me Tell You about My Solar Panels​," a blog post from Ann Arborite ​​George Hotelling. ​​George walks through the financial aspects of getting solar, his experience with the Solarize program, ​​how his solar panels work, and more.

​​Batteries and Black​outs

​​​​​Given increases in the number of severe weather events in Michigan and world-wide, building resiliency into o​ur sources of ​energy is becoming more important than ever. In "Powering through Blackouts with Solar and a Battery," Ann Arborite Dharma Akmon explores​ using a back-up battery system and a solar array during power outages. Akmon also explores the benefits of energy-efficient appliances.​

Plant-Based Diets

Eating a plant-based d​iet has numerous health benefits, both for you and for the environment. To hear from members of the community who have tried plant-based diets, we invite you to watch this seminar hosted by the Office of Sustainability and Innovations.​ Plus, you'll see a cooking demonstration for a delicious and nutritious plant-based meal!

Ambassad​​or Accoun​ts​​

Through our A2ZERO Ambassadors program, the Office of Sustainability and Innovations trains community members on sustainability topics, giving them the tools they need to discuss reaching carbon neutrality goals.​ Check back soon for some first-hand accounts from our A2ZERO Ambassadors on the work they're doing​ to advance sustainability in Ann Arbor!​

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