What is Systems Planning?
Systems Planning is a unit within the Public Services Area that coordinates with internal and external partners to plan for the long-term success and maintenance of the city's public infrastructure.
Capital Planning
Capital planning refers to financial planning for the replacement and improvement of large physical infrastructure, known as capital projects, to meet the city’s ongoing needs and goals.
Coordinate the citywide six-year capital improvement planning process to identify, prioritize, and schedule public infrastructure projects.
Asset Management
The city is responsible for the care and maintenance of thousands of individual structures like pipes, streets, manholes, catch basins, and streetlights. Staff make data-driven decisions to extend the life of public assets by tracking condition, maintenance history, and repair needs.
- Plan for infrastructure improvements, replacements, and extensions.
- Manage and analyze infrastructure asset data, maps, and models.
- Minimize the operating costs associated with owning and maintaining municipal assets.
- Maintain high levels of service to the community.
Water Resources
Water resource management professionals work to protect and improve the natural ecosystem and built infrastructure that collects and conveys water within Ann Arbor.
- Implement programs for floodplain management and hazard mitigation.
- Model anticipated impacts from development and climate change and identify opportunities to build more resiliency within our natural and built infrastructure to mitigate impacts.
- Work with private developers to protect the Huron River and tributaries from impacts of sedimentation and soil erosion during construction, and stormwater post-construction.
- Develop and implement plans to achieve federal, state, and local water quality improvement goals to ensure the health of our community and ecosystems.
Community Engagement
Community Engagement Specialists design engagement opportunities to inform and solicit input from the community on public infrastructure projects across the city.
- Plan and facilitate public engagement activities tailored to project goals.
- Establish standards, create resources, and share best practices.
- Advance equity and inclusivity through stakeholder relationship building.
Development Review
While most private development starts with the city's Planning Unit, Systems Planning staff play a role in ensuring that new developments meet regulatory guidelines and minimum standards to protect public infrastructure.
- Review private development plans for utility needs, natural features, floodplain management, stormwater management, grading, and drainage.
- Inspect private developments for site compliance.