Allocation - Official City Council action that authorizes spending on a project.
Capital Improvement – New or expanded facilities and infrastructure that are relatively large, expensive, and permanent.
Capital Projects Budget (CPB) – Capital improvements projects that are programmed for the next two fiscal years.
Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) – A document that schedules projects for a period of six years into the future based on studies of available fiscal and staffing resources, and project justifications, benefits and priorities.
City Fiscal Year - From July 1 of any year until the following June 30.
Infrastructure - Basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of the community. These include the transportation systems, sanitary and water lines, parks, public buildings, etc., and the land affiliated with those facilities.
Comprehensive Plan – (sometimes previously referred to as “master plan") A guide for making decisions regarding the future physical development of the City and the implementation of plans, policies, and programs. The comprehensive plan is made up of planning documents, or elements, that provide recommendations for major geographic areas and essential citywide facilities.