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FY2026-2031 Capital Improvements Plan

The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) outlines a six-year schedule of public service expenditures for large, physical improvements that are permanent in nature, including the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the community to function.​​

The current CIP covers fiscal years 2026-2031 (starting July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2031). The FY2026-2031 CIP was approved by Planning Commission on January 7, 2025​. The City Plann​ing Commission materials​ include the complete CIP report, a list of newly added projects, and a project clean-up summary identifying all projects completed or removed since the last CIP cycle.

FY2026-2031 CIP Quick Facts and Resources

  • Complete listing of FY2026-2031 CIP Project Costs by Asset Category​ (PDF)

  • Access detailed CIP project information through an interacti​ve mapping tool​

  • 510 total projects included

  • $​1.12 billion of funding needed for projects within the six-year planning period

  • $1.64 billion of funding is needed f​or the total project costs, which includes the six-year planning period plus funds spent prior to FY2026 and required funds needed after FY2031 (Note: Spending identified in the 'Beyond Years' includes projects that are just outside the six-year planning window, as well as some visionary projects for which a construction timeframe cannot be estimated.)​

FY26-31 CIP Number of Projects Bar Chart

The graphic above shows how 510 capital projects planned from fiscal year 2026-2031 are represented across all asset ​groups. The top three asset groups by number of projects are: Water, 114 projects; Stormwater, 102 projects; and, Streets and Bridges, 96 projects. 

FY26-31 CIP Project Summary Chart
The graphic above shows funding needed for all 510 capital projects planned from fiscal 2026-2031. Total from FY26-31 is shown, as well as Year 1 of the Upcoming Budget Cycle (FY26) and Year 2 of the Upcoming Budget Cycle (FY27). The total funding needed from FY26-31 is $1,122,147,000. FY26 funding needed is $255,318,000. The amount needed in FY27 is $220,095,000. 

FY26-31 CIP Funding Needed Bar Chart
The graphic above shows how funding needed for capital projects from fiscal year 2026-2031 is represented across all asset groups. The top three asset groups by funding needs are: City Owned Buildings, $377,105,000; Water, $293,527,000; and, Street and Bridges, $129,283,000. 

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