Capital projects require substantial funding that could come from a variety of sources.
- Most capital funding sources have strict parameters on their use, and typically cannot be transferred from one capital project to another
- Some anticipated funding sources are not guaranteed
- Project costs are estimates and subject to change
- Available funding amounts are estimates and subject to change
- Anticipated funding sources for specific projects are available by viewing project details through the interactive mapping tool
Capital project funding sources include, but are not limited to:
- General Fund
- Enterprise Funds: Airport, Solid Waste, Sanitary, Stormwater and Water
- Millages such as: Affordable Housing, Climate Action, Sidewalk gap filling, Sidewalk curb and ramp repair, Streets, Park Maintenance, and Open Space/Land Acquisition, Mental Health, and Road and Non-motorized Path
- Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
- Memorials and contribution gifts
- Grant programs
- State and Federal dollars
- Project partners such as Washtenaw County or the University of Michigan
More detail about funding sources is available in the City of Ann Arbor adopted budget documents on the Financial Reporting webpage.
Capital project funding can be uncertain or unknown:
It is typical that the total funding need identified for capital improvements exceeds the available funding. There are projects contained in this CIP that do not have an established, secure source of funding at this time; these are considered unfunded projects.
Projects in the first two-years of the CIP are the basis for the Capital Budget, and typically have a secure funding source
Projects with uncertain or unidentified funding are generally programmed for the third year, or later, in the plan
Uncertain funding sources include potential grants that have not yet been awarded, and General Fund requests that have not yet been considered by City Council
In some instances, high priority unfunded projects are included in earlier years, in anticipation of potential funding availability
The CIP project prioritization process, using defined scoring metrics, helps determine which projects will be funded first