What is integrated pest management (IPM)?
Chemical pesticides are poisonous substances, harmful to plants, pets and children, and can pollute creeks, ponds, rivers and groundwater resources.
Controlling garden pests
Download the controlling garden pests guide (PDF) to learn about:
- Keeping plants healthy
- Choosing plants
- Chemical pesticides: A last resort
- Protecting sensitive areas
- The secrets of chemical-free pest control
- Managing gypsy moths
- Natural enemies
- Getting help
Ideas for around the home
Download the ideas around home guide (PDF) to learn about these easy ideas (and more!) for your home:
- Seed bare soil and cover it with mulch as soon as possible
- Keep leaves out of stormwater basins on the street
- Hire services that follow water quality protection standards
- Direct downspouts toward gardens or planted areas and away from driveways
Rethinking yard care
Download the yard care guide (PDF) to learn about:
- The natural process
- Incorporating natural areas in your yard
- Proper application of yard care chemicals
- Tips for a safer lawn
Landscaping near rivers and streams
Download landscaping near the water's edge guide (PDF) to learn about:
- Using deep-rooted trees and vegetation
- Reducing pollutants and erosion
- Landscaping zones
- Native Michigan plants
- What's “native"?
- Adding vegetation to the banks of water bodies
- Aesthetics and maintenance of water's edge landscaping
Download a list (PDF) of native plants of Michigan and native wetland plants of Michigan.