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Rain Barrels

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​Rain barrels capture water from a roof an​​d hold it for later use such as on lawns, gardens or indoor plants (water from roofs should not be used on vegetables or other things you may consume)​​​. Collecting roof runoff in rain barrels reduces the amount of water that flows from your property. It's a great way to conserve water, and you can use it in your landscape. Learn how to save money by installing a rain barrel.

Rain barrels for kids

​Involve your kids and learn about rain barrels together. ​

Download the Stormwater Smart rain barrel coloring page!

Get a rain barrel for your home!

Stormwater utility credit

Installing a rain barrel can result in a savings of $3.06 per quarter. The requirements for a stormwater utility credit are:

  • Rain barrel(s) capacity must total a minimum combined 35 gallons.
  • Downspouts must link directly from structures on the property.
  • Between storm events, the owner should direct discharges from rain barrel(s) either directly or indirectly to pervious (porous) areas of the property.
  • Credit can be taken for only one barrel.
  • A proper rain barrel drainage system must be in place, including:
    • Two overflow valves
    • ​Hose attachment for overflow valves

Once you have installed your rain barrel on your property, contact the city at with a description, including photos if necessary, and address.

Ways for you to make a big difference by being Stormwater Smart.

If you don’t have fun doing important work, the important work may not get done. So, we work hard at coming up with fun ways (seriously) for you and your family to be Stormwater Smart. Each person has the potential to not only change their own behavior but also to influence other community members.​​

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