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Stormwater Credits

Stormwater Smart Credits​

Dealing with stormwater takes the entire community. While the city is doing it's part to be Stormwater Smart, residents and commercial properties also play a critical role. Impervious surfaces, such as parking lots, driveways, roofs and patios, don't absor​b water. Instead, they can add pollutants to storm runoff as well as move that water into storm drains, instead of the soil. By taking advantage the stormwater credits program, property owners can help protect our environment while also saving money. ​


Help keep Ann Arbor’s waterways clean and save money. Build a rain garden, install a rain barrel, cistern or dry well, or become a RiverSafe Home partner. Find out how.


Non-residential​ property owners may be able to reduce stormwater utility rates with a credit. Become a Community Partner for Clean Streams or utilize a stormwater control. Find out how.

Ways for you to make a big difference by being Stormwater Smart.

If you don’t have fun doing important work, the important work may not get done. So, we work hard at coming up with fun ways (seriously) for you and your family to be Stormwater Smart. Each person has the potential to not only change their own behavior but also to influence other community members.​

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