The Water Distribution Level of Service & Reinvestment Study is to determine what the sustainable level of service (LOS) for the City of Ann Arbor water distribution system should be and to also quantify the associated level of reinvestment in the system. Fundamentally, this will help the City during its capital planning by providing what level of investment the City should be making in the replacement/rehabilitation of our water distribution system and what water mains should be replaced first.
What is a “Level of Service” Study?
The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate sustainable level of service (LOS) for the water distribution system, which will help identify critical infrastructure and establish priority/timing for replacement of assets through the City’s capital improvement program planning. This will allow the City to prioritize limited funds to focus on assets with the greatest need.
Specific deliverables from this study will include:
- Establishment and definition of the level of service the City’s water distribution system will provide to its customers
- Benchmarking of the City’s system at a national level and to comparable cities
- Determination of the level of reinvestment through replacement and/or rehabilitation of the system over the next 20 years, including the development of a Capital Asset Prioritization Simulator (CAPS) database
- An assessment of the likelihood of failure of the major concrete pipes in the system
With these deliverables, it is anticipated that the City’s water distribution system will gain reduced risk of unexpected costs, reduced probability of sudden and potentially costly water main failures and more efficient use of its capital funds.
Meeting Materials
Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) Meeting No 1 (06/41/14)
- Presentation (PDF)