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​Solid ​Waste Pl​an​​

Ann Arbor is rethinking waste by taking a fresh look at recycling, trash and compost operations in the city. This strategic approach to future solid waste services has culminated ​in the creation of a new Solid Waste Re​source Management Plan, or SWRMP (PDF),​ which sets the direction of solid waste operations in Ann Arbor in the years to come.​

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

In 2020, Recycle Ann Arbor and the city executed a service agreement and land and building lease for the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) located at 4170 Platt Road. The agreement is for 10 years with the potential for two 3-year extensions. The agreement is for transloading, re-equipping of the MRF, and recyclables processing after re-equipping. The MRF is now up and running. It provides materials recovery services to the City of Ann Arbor and third parties. Questions should be directed to Recycle Ann Arbor.​

Solid Waste Regulations

The regulations that govern solid waste disposal and curbside collection can be found under City Code Chapter 26 of the City of Ann Arbor. Additional rules are also found in the City Solid Waste​ Regulations​.​

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