Home toxics disposal options
Household products that are labeled as poisonous, hazardous, flammable, explosive, or caustic - such as pesticides, solvents, and oil-based paints -- should not be emptied in the sink or storm drains, poured on the ground, or placed in the trash where they will be landfilled and potentially end up leaking into our groundwater.
Instead, please dispose of these materials responsibly. Share leftover materials with others to use up as directed on the label. Consider purchasing less toxic materials in the future.
Home toxics:
- Cleaners and polishes
- Cooking oil (peanut, vegetable, olive, bacon grease)
- Automotive oil and antifreeze
- Fertilizers and phosphorus
- Home repair products (caulks, glues)
- Mercury (thermometers/thermostats)
- All paints (latex, oil-based, spray)
- Paint thinners/strippers/solvents
- Stains and varnishes
- Pesticides/herbicides/weed killers
- Roofing tar and asphalt
- Wood preservatives
- Fluorescent bulbs (up to 8-foot tubes and CFLs)
- Rechargeable batteries
- Needles and syringes, in sealed, medical waste container
You can take these items to Washtenaw County's Home Toxics Reduction Program, located at 705 North Zeeb Road near Jackson Road. Please visit their website for hours of operation or call 734.222.3950.
The collection program is a free service for residents. Donations, which go directly to the cost of disposal, are accepted and are important because the program is not supported by tax dollars.
The Drop-Off Station also accepts many toxic items for recycling. Some fees may apply after the entry fee.
Computers, televisions and other electronics
Michigan's e-waste take back law requires free and convenient take-back programs to be established by manufacturers to ensure that all televisions, computers, and printers are fully recycled. The following programs are now available in the Ann Arbor area.
Best Buy - 3100 Lohr Road, 741.1357. Accepts all televisions, computers, printers, scanners, peripherals, cell phones, and many other electronics for free recycling.
Drop-Off Station - 2950 E. Ellsworth, 971.7400. Accepts computers, printers, scanners, televisions, cell phones, and many other electronics for recycling. Some fees may apply.
Other Options
There are several mail-back options for computers and televisions offered by different manufacturers in Michigan. Periodic computer and television collection-day events are held in the area. Some stores, such as Big Georges and Best Buy, will pick up an old television when a customer buys a new TV and has it delivered.
Before you recycle your computer, be sure to erase the unit's hard drive to eliminate personal data.
Due to the toxic chemicals that can be released when computer monitors and televisions are crushed, these items are prohibited from Ann Arbor's trash and recycling carts and dumpsters.
Periodic free electronic collection days are coordinated by Washtenaw County.
Residents should also subscribe to receive email alerts from the City of Ann Arbor for recycling updates via GovDelivery.
Rechargeable batteries
Labeled as "Rechargeable" and/or Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd or Ni-Cad), Nickel Metal Oxy-Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn). Rechargeable batteries come in many forms including regular AAA to D sizes, cell phone, camera, laptop batteries. Rechargeable batteries contain heavy metals such as nickel, cadmium, or lithium and cannot be safely placed in municipal land-fills.
Take rechargeable batteries to one of the many free drop-off locations (including many stores) listed on Call2Recycle.org. They can also be taken for recycling to the Drop-Off Station. Batteries must be individually bagged or sealed with clear tape over positive (+) end for proper recycling.
Alkaline batteries
While not the ideal solution, used alkaline (non-rechargeable) batteries may be placed in trash to be land filled as they no longer contain toxic materials such as mercury (mercury was banned by federal law in 1996).
The Drop-Off Station also accepts alkaline batteries.
Automotive (Lead-Acid) Batteries
Lead Acid batteries are found in most gas-combustion engines. These are large, long-lasting batteries used to provide electricity to vehicles. Lead acid batteries contain toxic substances such as lead and sulfuric acid which cannot be safely placed in municipal landfills. Once recycled, much of the content is re-used in new car batteries.
Return vehicle batteries to designated locations for proper recycling, including the Drop-Off Station. State retailers are required to accept a used automotive battery with purchase of a new one. Do not place on curb or in carts for pick-up.
Lithium single-use and button-cell batteries
Single-use, long-lasting lithium batteries will be labeled "Lithium" or "Li". They should not be confused with rechargeable "Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)" batteries. For Lithium-Ion see "Rechargeable." Button-cell batteries resemble buttons in size and shape and are used in items such as watches and hearing aids.
Both types of batteries contain small amounts of toxic heavy metals and should be recycled.
Both types of batteries should be recycled. They can be brought to the Drop-Off Station and a few specific locations such as Batteries Plus and Interstate All Battery Center.
First floor, 301 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
(excluding holidays)
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