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Boil Water Notifications

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As a precautionary measure, the City of Ann Arbor is issuing a boil water advisory until further notice for the area north of Plymouth Road from Traver Road to US-23 due to two water main breaks that occurred around Plymouth Road between Green and Huron Parkway on the morning of Monday, March 17, 2025. A detailed map of the advisory area will is posted. 

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There is no evidence of contamination of the water system, and the city is issuing this boil water advisory as a precautionary measure until further notice. This includes water used for brushing teeth, making ice, washing raw foods, and preparing drinks, as well as water for pets. Water used for bathing, laundry and lawn irrigation does not need to be boiled. The boil water alert is anticipated to be lifted within 48 hours. 

The water should be boiled for at least one minute and allowed to cool in a covered container. Bottled water can be used as an alternative. 

What should I do?
Consult the map on the city’s website and if you are within the identified boundary of the boil water advisory then you should not drink city tap water without boiling it first. Bring water to a boil and let it boil for one minute, and then let it cool before using. Alternatively, bottled water can be used for drinking, brushing teeth, making ice, and food preparation until further notice. Boiling kills bacteria and other organisms that could be in the water.

What happened?  What is being done?
These precautionary actions are being taken due to a temporary loss of water pressure in the water distribution system within the map boundary. Whenever a water system loses pressure for any significant length of time, precautionary measures are recommended. The loss of water pressure was due to multiple water main breaks near the area of Plymouth Road between Green and Huron Parkway. City staff are working to get the break repaired. The break has been isolated and pressure has been restored in the affected area. However, because there was a temporary loss in pressure, the precautionary advisory has been put in place.

When will the advisory be lifted?
City staff has collected water samples from the affected area and will be analyzing those samples over the next 24 to 48 hours. Once it is determined that the water quality meets the state drinking water standards, the advisory will be lifted.

Has contamination of the water system been detected?
No contamination has been detected at this time. The boil water advisory is precautionary until water quality analyses are completed to confirm the water is safe to drink.

What if I live in the affected area and have already drank the water?
No water contamination has been detected at this time, the boil water advisory is precautionary. Until the advisory is lifted customers in the affected area should continue to boil their water for drinking, brushing teeth, making ice, and food preparation. Since no contamination has been detected, there is no action you need to take if you have consumed the water unless you are not feeling well. If you are feeling unwell you should contact your medical provider.

What if my residence or business is just outside the affected area?
If your residence or business is outside of the affected area, you do not need to take action or boil water. It is safe for all uses.

​Boil Water Advisory

A boil water advisory is a public statement advising customers to boil tap water before consuming it. Advisories are issued when an event occurs that may cause the water distribution system to become contaminated, such as a loss of pressure from a water main break or back siphonage event. If the affected area is small we can restore water quality by flushing hydrants; but if the area is large we cannot do this effectively. In this circumstance, the city cannot guarantee the quality of the drinking water until the system is repressurized and water testing has been completed, which takes 24-48 hours. Therefore, an advisory is issued to boil water until the tests are complete and indicate that the water is safe. Boiling the water will kill any bacteria that may be present in the water, including disease-causing microorganisms like Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium, which are frequently found in rivers and lakes. An advisory does not mean that the water is contaminated, but that there is a chance contamination has occurred.

Boil water advisory t​ips:

  • Throw away ice made during the time of the Advisory (freezing does not kill bacteria).
  • Flush the piping inside your home or business once an advisory ​has been lifted by running all cold water faucets in your home for five minutes, flush automatic ice makers by making and discarding several batches of ice, and run drinking water fountains for five minutes.
  • Use hot, soapy water (add one tablespoon of bleach per gallon as a precaution) to wash dishes, and rinse them with boiled water.
  • If you are unable to boil your water, we suggest using bottled water for drinking, cooking and brushing teeth.

Boil water ​notice

A boil water notice is issued when contamination is confirmed in the water system. On rare occasions a "Do Not Drink Notice" or "Do Not Use Notice" will be issued. In these cases, the city will provide information about safety precautions that should be taken including the use of bottled water for drinking, cooking, bathing and laundry.

If a boil water notice has been issued, then residents must bring water to a boil and keep at a rolling boil for at least five minutes. Cool water before using. This includes water used for brushing teeth, making ice, washing raw foods, and preparing drinks, as well as water for pets. Water used for bathing, laundry and lawn irrigation does not need to be boiled. To improve the flat taste of boiled water, aerate it by pouring it back and forth from one container to another and allow it to stand for a few hours, or add a pinch of salt for each quart or liter of water boiled.​

Boil water notices apply to locations that are completely out of water. Boiling water is not necessary for locations with low water pressure, it may trickle out of the tap but water is still flowing. If water containing bacteria is not treated through boiling or disinfection, you may experience health effects such as headache, nausea, diarrhea and fatigue. Infants, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems are most at risk to develop these symptoms.


In the event of a boil water advisory or notice, the City of Ann Arbor would issue an emergency alert notification to areas impacted. All residents and businesses should sign up for free emergency alerts

Other sources for boil water notice information include:

​You can help! If you are completely out of water (nothing comes out of the faucet at all) contact the Water Treatment Plant with your address to help us map the affected area and determine who is affected​.

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