What is the Asset Management Plan (AMP)?
Ann Arbor boasts a vast park system featuring 163 parks and nature areas, facilities including two golf courses, four pools, a farmers market and senior center, two canoe liveries and two ice arenas. Additionally, there are 46 game courts (basketball, tennis, pickleball) and 80 playgrounds in varying conditions. The Asset Management Plan (AMP) will assess the condition of all park amenities and assets and provide data on their current state, end-of-life and replacement costs. This plan will supplement our current methods of identifying needs such as
A2 FixIt service requests, the Ann Arbor Capital Improvement Plan, routine inspections, routine maintenance, recently completed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) study and received resident feedback. Staff also evaluates each potential project with the criteria such as safety concerns, equity of amenities across city, cost of repair and amount of use. The information from the AMP will help staff make data driven decisions on how to best prioritize and allocate the limited resources to maintain the park system as a valuable community asset.
Current engagement opportunities:
Join the Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation Unit for a pop-up event at Veterans Memorial Park Ice Arena (2150 Jackson Ave.) Sunday, Dec. 8, 1-4 p.m. In addition to saying thank you to the community for passing the Ann Arbor Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage, this event will also be an opportunity to learn more about the Parks Asset Management Plan (AMP). See how the AMP and the newly renewed 20-year millage are being used to improve park infrastructure citywide now and into the future. For questions or comments, please email
[email protected].

Project schedule:
The Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation Asset Management Plan began in Summer 2024 and will be completed in Fall 2025. This is a very large undertaking involving the evaluation of all parks, nature areas and facilities. Staff will be providing details on this page, including milestones and engagement opportunities throughout the life of the project.