Expenditure Highlights


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​Expenditure Highlights

The city offers many services and utilizes over 50 separate funds for large areas or specialized purposes.  

Types of Funds:

  • General Fund - the City's main operating fund.
  • Debt Service Fund - used to pay annual principal and interest payments on outstanding debt.
  • Enterprise Funds - for activities such as water, sewer and solid waste.
  • Special Revenue Funds - accounts for specific revenue sources that are legally restricted for specific purposes.
  • Internal Service Funds - these funds account for the cost of services rendered to other funds and/or departments within the City such as Fleet Services and Information Technology.
  • Capital Project Funds - are for the construction of an asset.
  • Trust Funds - account for the reporting of assets that are held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and can not be used to support City programs​.
  • Component Units - these are legally separate organizations for which the elected officials of the City are financially accountable.

The below charts shows the FY 2025 Expenditure budget by fund type:

Expense Chart