Invitation to Bid - 2014

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​Due Date & Time Bid Description Bid # Primary Contact Status
​December 23, 2014 10:00AMStreet Tree Pruning 2015​

ITB 4360

Bid Tab​

Kerry Gray​Closed​
​December 4, 2014 10:30AMPicnic Shelter Replacement at Gallup Park​

ITB 4358

Pre Bid Meeting Sign In Sheet

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

Amy Kuras


Addenum1 Drawing​

December 2, 2014 2:00PM​Property Demolition, Clean up and Site Restoration​

ITB 4357

Table of Contents

Existing Conditions Dwg

Baseline Enviromental Assessment

Compliance Analysis

Pre Demo Hazardous Material Report

Phase 2 investigation

2080 Asbestos Abatement Forms

Notification to Renovate

Amy Kuras

Pre Bid Meeting Sign In sheet

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

​November 25, 2014 2:30PMGeddes Dam-Tainter Gate #4 Replacement​

ITB 4356

ITB 4356 Plans

Addendum 1

Paul Malocha

Bid Tab​


Tentative award to Gerace pending Council approval​.

November 20, 2014 10:00AM​Crane Inspections​

ITB 4355

Bid Tab​

Brian Steglitz​


Tentative award to Royal Arc pending Council approval.

November 5, 2014 10:00AM​4-two wheeled Police Motorcycles​

ITB 4354

Bid Tab​

Tom Gibbons​Closed​
October 8, 2014 10:00 AM​Residential Building Demolition Services​

ITB 4352

Addendum 1

Ralph Welton

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab


Tentative awards to DMC, Homrich, and Blue star pending council approval. ​

​October 17, 2014 10:00AMGeothermal Project​

ITB 4350

Attach 1

Attach 2

Attach 3

Attach 4

Attach 5

Attach 6

Attach 7

Attach 8

Attach 9

Bid Tab​

Lance Mitchell

Pre Bid Sign In Sheet


Addendum 1

Addendum 2

Addendum 3

Addendum 4

Equipment Table

​September 15, 2014 10:00AMStreet Tree Removal, Stumping and Pruning 2014-2015​

ITB 4348

Addendum 1

Bid Tab​

Kerry Gray

Pre Bid Attendance Sheet

August 26, 2014 11:00AM​Council Chambers Video Production System Upgrade​

ITB 4347

Appendix B

Addendum 1

Mandatory Pre Bid Meeting sign in sheet

Greg McDonald


Bid Tab

Detailed Bid tab


Tentative award to TEL Systems pending Council approval.​

August 20 10:00AMLiberty Street, Harvard Place, and Arlington Blvd. Sanitary Sewer Extensions Project​

ITB 4345


Addendum 1

Addendum 1 Revised Plans

David Dykman

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid tab


Tentative award to E.T MacKenzie pending Council approval.​

​August 15, 2014 10:00AMPolice ammunition supply​

ITB 4343

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab​

Ed Dreslinski​Closed​
​August 13, 2014 10:00AMSummit Streer Water Main Replacement through Wheeler Park​

ITB 4342

Drawing 1

Drawing 2

Drawing 3

Drawing 4

Drawing 5

Drawing 6

Drawing 7

Brian Slizewski

Addendum 1

Bid Tab​

August 12, 2014 10:00AM​Removal of Residual Limestone-Water Treatment Services​

ITB 4346

Bid Tab

Larry Sanford​Closed​
August 5, 2014 10:30AM​Operating Materials Aggregates​

ITB 4341 

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

Kirk Pennington​


Tentative award to Ellswoth Industries pending Council approval.​

​August 5th, 2014 10:00AM​Asbestos Abatement Project for 2nd Floor of Guy C. Larcom City Hall

ITB 4340

Mandatory Pre Bid Meeting Sign in sheet

Matt Kulhanek

Bid Tab

​June 16 11:00AM Springwater Subdivision Improvements Project Phase 1​

ITB 4323


Addendum 1

Ann Warrow

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

​June 4, 2014 2:00PMWater Treatment Plant Clarifier #4 Drive Replacement​

ITB 4334


Brian Rubel

Bid Tab​

​May 20, 2014 10:00AMJanitorial Services at Municipal Center, Water Treatment Plant, Wheeler Service Center & Multiple Park Locations​

ITB 4338

Addendum 1

Addendum 2

Mandatory Pre bid meeting attendance sign in sheet

Tom Gibbons

Bid Tab​


Tentative award to Duall Cleaning Inc. pending Council approval.​

May 19, 2014 11:00AM​Restroom Renovations Project Fire Stations 3 and 4​

ITB 4335


Bid Tab

Matt Kulhanek

Addendum 1 -Mandatory Pre Bid  Attendance sheet

May 8,2014 2:00PM​Eighth Street Sanitary Sewer Manhole Replacement​

ITB 4337

Addendum 1

LW Declaration

LW Poster

Addendum 2

Addendum 3

Chris Elenbass

Bid Tab

Awarded to Fonson​

​May 1, 2014 10:00AMWater Treatment Plant Chemical Bid Hydrofluosilicic Acid​

ITB 4336

Addendum 1

Larry Sanford

Bid Tab

April 29 10:00AM​Arbor Oaks Ph.II Water Main Replacement Project​

ITB 4333


Addendum 1

LW Declaration

LW Poster

Addendum 2

Igor Kotlyar

Pre Bid Meeting Notes

Bid Tab

Detailed Evaluation​

April 28, 2014 2:00PM2014 Light Pole Painting Project​

ITB 4329

Addendum 1

LW Declaration

LW Poster

Addendum 2

Addendum 3

W. Davis

Bid Tab

No Award

May 9, 2014 10:00AM2014 Sewer Lining Project​

ITB 4322

Plan #1

Plan #2

Addendum 1

Addendum 2

LW Declaration

LW Poster

Addendum 3

Addendum 4

Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 3

Plan 4

David Dykman

Bid Tab

Technical Evaluation​


Tentative Awarded to Lanzo​

April 24, 2014   2:00PMBuhr Park and Fuller Park Pool Surface Improvements​

ITB 4326

1st Addendum

LW Declaration

LW Poster

Addendum 2

Glen Wiczorek

Bid Tab​

April 15, 2014  10:00 AMStreet Repair Program-Various Locations​

ITB 4332

Addendum 1

LW declaration

LW Poster​

Dan Wooden

Bid Tab​

April 14, 2014 2:00PM​​Uniform & Floor Mat Rental​

ITB 4331

Addendum 1

Ed Sajewski

Bid Tab​

April 14, 2014 11:00AM​Pontiac Trail Improvements

ITB 4324

Attachment B-Soil Borings


Prebid Notes

Addendum 1 Notes

Addendum 1 Plans

Addendum 1 Appendix B

Addendum 1 Contract Documents

Addendum 2

Addendum 3

Anne Warrow

Bid Tab


Tentative Award to Evergreen LLC

April 10, 2:00PM​Secondary Effluent Pump replacement Vertical Wastewater Pumps​

ITB 4328

Special Conditions


Operations & Main. Data


Vertical Wastewater Pumps

Filter Bldg.

Attachment A

Form 1

Form 2

Attachment B

Addendum 1

Ed Sajewski

Bid Tab


Tentative award to Premier Pump, Inc.. pending Council approval​

​March 31, 2014 10:30AMArbor Oaks, S​cheffler and North Main Park renovations​

ITB 4330

Addendum 1

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

Amy Kuras​Closed​
March 12, 2014 10:00AM​​Yellowstone Waterstone Main Replacement Project

ITB 4327


Addendum #1

Pre Bid Meeting Notes and Attendance Sheet

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

Igor Kotlyar​Closed​
March 5, 2014 10:00AM​2014 Ramp & Sidewalk Repair Project​

ITB 4320

Addendum #1

Pre Bid Agenda

Pre Bid Sign In Sheet

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

Brian Slizewski ​Closed​
February 28 2014 10:30AM​2014 Street Resurfacing Project

IBT 4325


Soil Borings

Addendum #1

Addendum 2

Addendum #3

Pre Bid Notes

Bid Tab

Detailed Bid Tab

E. Rolla​Closed
February 20, 2014 10:30AMWindem​ere Park Tennis Court Renovation​

ITB 4321


Pre Bid Sign in Sheet 

Soil Boring  Letter ​

Addendum 2

 Bid Sheet

Detailed Bid Tab

Amy Kuras​Closed
February 11, 2014 10:00AMLarcom Light Fixtures​ ITB 4319 Matt Kulhanek


Bid Tab

February 4, 2014 10:00 AM ​

Secondary Chiller Project​

ITB 4318

Larcom Chiller Project Drawings (PDF) ​

Matt Kulhanek


Bid Tab

​January 23, 2014 10:30AM​Clinton Park Tennis and Basketball Court Renovations

ITB 4317

Plan Set

Pre-bid sign in sheet 

Addendum #1

Addendum #2

Amy Kuras


Bid Tab

​January 7, 2014 10AM​6 Yard-Rear Loading Refuse TruckITB 4316 Tom Gibbons​


Bid Tab