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Ann Arbor Water

Prior to 2022, three separate water departments — with three different specialties — worked independently to provide quality water services and ensure the public health ​of the Greater Ann Arbor community. Today, these three units are working together as one — Ann Arbor Water​​ — committed to excellence, scientifically based data and innovative solutions.


The City of Ann Arbor participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and has adopted flood hazard-area protection standards. As a public service, the city can provide the following information upon request:

1. Basic flood map information

  • Whether a property is in or out of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
  • Flood zone, base flood elevation, and panel reference information from the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM).
  • Copies of elevation certificates for completed improvements to properties located within the floodplain.
  • Copies of Letters of Map Amendment and Letters of Map Revision on file with the city.
  • A handout regarding the flood insurance purchase requirement that can help when seeking a mortgage or financing for property located in the SFHA.

2. Additional flood map information including floodways and regulatory requirements for floodplain development.

3. Known flooding problems not shown on the FIRM such as localized drainage problems.

4. Anticipated flood depths on a property in a flood hazard area.

5. Information on prior flooding at a site, if available. 

6. Sensitive areas serving natural floodplain functions such as wetlands, critical habitats, and open space.

To request flood map information, contact the city with the property's address or parcel number by email at or via phone at 734.794.6430 x43709. Map information is also available online.

Your safety is our top concern – that’s why the City of Ann Arbor wants to make sure you know about emergencies and incidents as they happen. On Wednesday, Sept. 18, the city tested our emergency notification system. The city uses Washtenaw County's emergency notification system​ powered by Everbridge to make sure you know about issues that may affect your safety, including drinking water notifications or floods. This system allows the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County to contact thousands of residents and businesses quickly via phone, email, or text. 

If you are not registered for this system, please register at and create a new Everbridge account. Because this system is nationwide, you may need to create a unique username if the one you commonly use is taken, such as your first initial and last name. You will then enter your email, address, and contact information to create an account. We recommend signing up for Washtenaw County and City of Ann Arbor notifications. 

Residents who are able are also being asked to help keep fire hydrants adjacent to their property or in their neighborhoods free from snow and ice. Leaving a 3-foot clearing around hydrants can provide easy access to firefighters in the event of fire. The city thanks you in advance for your assistance!

See more winter-readiness information on the website, including the "How to Prepare for a Winter Storm" packet.

A2 Water Units

Water ​Treatment Plant


Water Resource Recovery

Public Works

​​Reporting an issue

If you suspect, see or experience a sanitary sewer back-up, possible sewage leak (if you smell sewage for example), water main break, rusty water, plugged storm drain, basement flooding​ or unusually low or no water pressure, please contact us by phone.

Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

After Hours
Evenings, weekends and holidays

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