Fax: 734.994.8460
**Notice: The City of Ann Arbor has adopted an ordinance requiring carbon monoxide detection in all rental properties. You can review the requirements here: Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detection (PDF)
Welcome to the City of Ann Arbor Rental Housing Services Web page! Our office inspects all residential rental units in accordance with the Housing Code: Chapter 105. Please use the navigation to the left for more information.
Pursuant to Section 8:516(4) of the Ann Arbor Municipal Code: "No person shall lease or otherwise make a dwelling or rooming unit available for occupancy if a Certificate of Compliance is not in effect for the unit". Failure to secure the appropriate Certificate of Compliance (CofC) may result in enforcement against the property. This includes any type of advertisement, listing, or occupying the property as a rental.
Documents, Quick links, & Reference Materials
Short-Term Rentals Page
- Sworn Statement of Principal Residency Fillable Form
UDC Short-Term Rental Permitted Use Table for Non-Owner-Occupied properties
Register Your Rental Properties
Register and apply for a Certified Rental License for your rental properties at https://stream.a2gov.org/.
The function of Rental Housing Services
1. To protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Ann Arbor
2. To protect a diverse housing stock from deterioration
3. To accomplish all the above at the lowest possible housing cost to owners and renters while maintaining code compliance.
Rental Housing Services is a bridge between owners and tenants. Our office conducts inspections on all rental units within the City of Ann Arbor every 30 months. A Certificate of Compliance is issued to each property that passes inspection.
Hard copies of Certificates of Compliance and Inspection Reports are available on A2Trak (before 7/1/22) or STREAM (after 7/1/22). Some properties may have concluded the inspection cycle in eTRAKiT after 7/1/22, and remain searchable in A2Trak. Instructions for accessing A2Trak are found on the left side of this page. It is important that Property Registrations are updated with current and accurate email addresses.
Rental Housing Inspectors
Rental Housing inspectors may be reached by phone or email, Monday-Friday. However, they are conducting inspections 95% of the time. Please refrain from contacting them by both phone and email.
Stacy Fountain: 734.496.0039 (cell), sfountain@a2gov.org
Derrick Hutton-Kinsey: 734.474.8894 (cell), dhutton-kinsey@a2gov.org
Steven Woelke: 734.649.8150 (cell), swoelke@a2gov.org
Kevin O'Connor: 734.412.5751 (cell), koconnor@a2gov.org
Gregg Scrimger: 734.623.0123 (cell), gscrimger@a2gov.org
First floor, 301 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
8 a.m.-5 p.m.
(excluding holidays)
For scheduling needs and general information, please contact an Administrative Specialist.
Rental Housing Contact
Fax: 734.994.8460
Rental Services Coordinator/Admin
Brandi Lewis
Office Voicemail: 734.794.6000 x42504
Building and Rental Services Manager
Lisha Turner-Tolbert