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Ann Arbor Moving Together Towards Vision Zero

The Ann Arbor Moving Together Toward​ Vision Zero Comprehensive Transportation Plan ​(PDF​), completed in June 2021, set forth a list of strategies and opportunities for improving the safety of Ann Arbor's streets, and proposed a data-driven approach to prioritizing street improvements in the interest of public safety and enhanced mobility for all. ​​​

​The city is now moving into the implementation phase, which will include a suite of capital investments to be undertaken at various scales and a public outreach program.​​​​

Transp​o​rtation​​ Plan Final, as adopted by City Council on June 7,​ 2021 (119 MB PDF) 

Vision Zero annnu​al snapshot  

The annual snapshot provides updates and progress on the Ann Arbor Moving Together Toward Vision Zero Transportation Plan.

Speed management program and storymap

Why speed management?

Ann Arbor has a Vision Zero goal to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries resulting from traffic crashes by 2025. 

  • Speed is a major part of how severe and deadly a crash will be, therefore slowing vehicles down is an important strategy towards reaching Vision Zero.
  • Major streets are 25% of total streets in Ann Arbor and witness 89% of the severe and fatal traffic crashes.

What is the speed management program?

The speed management program will use a set of 22 speed m​anagement tools based on researched practices. The city will be drawing from these tools when redesigning major streets throughout Ann Arbor. The tools are based on researched practices from top national and state sources.

The storymap has an interactive map of Ann Arbor's major streets. Streets with the highest need for speed management appear in red. Clicking on a major street brings up information on the street's characteristics and which tools could considered for that street's future design. ​

​Quick build​s

​​​​As part of Ann Arbor's Moving Together Toward Vision Zero Comp​rehensive Transportation Plan​, the city is undertaking several "quick build" ​projects to create safer streets much faster than typical processes allow. ​


Suzann Flowers, Transportation Planner​ ​​

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