Miller Avenue, from downtown to Maple Road, will undergo construction in 2025 for both utility and transportation work.
In the Spring of 2025, during the first phase, from Chapin to Newport, water main will be replaced, stormwater utilities improved, intersection realignments at Red Oak and Seventh (coordinated with Ann Arbor Public School’s calendar, and the road repaved. During the second phase, from First to Maple, road will be reconfigured to improve biking, walking and mass transit options as well as installing measures to reduce vehicle speeds such as Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB), speed tables, and reduced speed limits.
In 2021, the city adopted, with the input of thousands of residents, a new comprehensive transportation plan that adopted the goals of Vision Zero (no deaths, no serious injuries), to give people of all ages and abilities more travel options while embracing the city's plan to combat climate change.
This mode of planning is different, as cars have been the driving force of transportation planning for many decades. The community, through the Vision Zero transportation plan, is rebalancing the scales so that humans, not cars, are the central focus.
For this project, please keep in mind:
- The city has seen in increases in walking and biking as new infrastructure is built.
- There will be points of conflict between cars, bikes and people at various points. That is the current condition. However, by providing dedicated infrastructure, and reducing speeds, those conflicts become more manageable and safer.
- Snow removal on bike lanes will continue to be a focus and new equipment is coming online to address it.
- Changes will not negatively impact curbside collection service and instructions on where to put carts will be provided.
Project Manager
Jane Allen, P.E.
734.794.6410 x43678
For updates on the project
- Staff have produced a video (YouTube) that provides a detailed overview of the project.
- Miller survey summary (PDF)
Schedule update
In order to best utilize the funding sources available, the project will be advertised for a new bid opening in September 2024, secure a construction contract with the selected bidder before January 1, 2025, and start construction in Spring of 2025. Both phases will be completed in the 2025 construction season.
Questions and comments
Public engagement on this project included options of using an online pin drop tool or posting a note on a corridor print out during four public open houses. Comments received can be viewed on this pin drop map. Staff have provided responses to many of the questions and comments.
Why this project?
- Old water mains need replacement as well as the condition of existing infrastructure.
- Funding is available to make improvements within the Allen Creek watershed for underground detention of storm runoff.
- The road condition from Newport to Chapin warrants repaving. This section of pavement was not repaved during the 2013 Miller project.
- Miller Avenue is an all ages and abilities bike corridor, with funding available to upgrade bike lanes.
Impacts to me
- Residents in the vicinity will experience noise and dust normally associated with construction.
- Non-resident traffic will be detoured around the construction zone while local access for residents will be maintained.
- Water service may be temporarily interrupted as lines are connected to the new water main.
Cost and funding sources
This project is being funded by multiple sources:
- City Water Utility and Stormwater Utility Funds
- State Transportation funds
- County Road Millage Funds
- American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.