Project limits
The Nixon Road Corridor Improvement Project is a full road reconstruction from just north of the Huron Parkway roundabout to just south of Dhu Varren Road.
Project Manager
Christopher E. Wall, P.E.
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Why is this project being done?
- The Nixon Road Corridor Study was completed. Concerns from residents and property owners along the corridor were documented, with key focal points: safety, non-motorized facilities, and user-delays. Three options were studied and analyzed in an effort to address these concerns. Only the roundabout corridor option addressed all of the concerns. This option would add roundabouts at various locations in the corridor, while improving non-motorized facilities, safety, and operations.
- May 15, 2017 - City Council directed staff to design the corridor improvements.
- Fall 2017 - Wade Trim was selected to perform the engineering design on the project.
- The design was completed to a 90% stage, which included improvements on Nixon from Huron Parkway to just south of M-14 (not including the Dhu Varren Road Roundabout). The project was placed on the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to be constructed in 2025.
- Wade Trim will finalize the design and revise the project limits to be from north of Huron Parkway to just south of Dhu Varren Road. The portion of the project north of Dhu Varren Road will be considered for construction at a future date.
- Fall 2024 - The City plans to put project out to bid through the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Local Agency Program, with construction planned to begin in Spring 2025. The design includes the incorporation of roundabouts at Sandalwood, Bluett and Traver, a new median, a buffered bicycle lane in both directions, lighting and landscape improvements, a new 16-inch watermain and stormwater management improvements.
Cost & funding source
This project has received federal funding through the Michigan Department of Transportation Local Agency Program. The remainder of the project cost will be funded through the City of Ann Arbor Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage, Water Fund and Stormwater Fund.
Documents and materials
- Nixon Corridor Study 2019 (PDF)
- Public Meeting Presentation September 2024 (PDF)
- Nixon Corridor Updated Plan
- Responses to Questions from Information Session (PDF)
- Project overview (PDF)
- Project layout (PDF)
- Agenda (PDF)
- Comments (PDF)
- Meeting summary (PDF)
- A2 Open City Hall summary (PDF)
- Agenda (PDF)
- Power point presentation (PDF)
- Nixon Corridor concept image (PDF)
- Meeting summary (PDF)