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The Street and Sidewalk millage currently pays for the 2019 Sidewalk and Ramp R​epair P​rogram​ which brings sidewalk ramps into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as repairs existing sidewalks.

Walking s​afely 

  • Cross at the crosswalk. Ann Arbor's cros​s​walk o​rdinance ​requires that motorists stop for pedestrians at or in crosswalks, but only at crosswalks.​

  • Look both ways before entering the street. 

  • Use the signals. Traffic signals are there to help pedestrians communicate with drivers. In Ann Arbor's downtown, all traffic signals include a pedestrian crossing interval in each signal cycle. Outside the downtown area, some signals have a pedestrian call button which, when pressed, adds a pedestrian crossing interval. 

  • Take refuge. Some crosswalks have a pedestrian refuge island in the street.  Cross easily and safely, one side of traffic at a time.

  • Be visible. In the dark, wear light-colored clothing and reflective gear to ensure your visibility.

  • Report sidewalks that aren't treated or plowed. Sidewalks should be treated for ice or plowed of snow in a timely fashion. You can report untreated sidewalks ​by using A2 Fix It or calling Community Standards at 734.794.6942.

  • Accessible Pedestrian Signals. The city is working to upgrade pedestrian signals to make them more accessible to persons with visual disabilities. This means that pedestrian push-buttons have an audio feature that alert persons to the location of the push-button and when it is safe to cross. A map (PDF) of the current locations of accessible pedestrian signals is available. If you have a request to upgrade a pedestrian signal to an accessible pedestrian signal, please send an email to or call 734.794.6410 ​​

Crosswalk​ design guidelines​​

The purpose of this project was to engage​ the public about concerns about ​crosswalk inconsistencies, learn more about community preferences for crosswalks, and share city guidelines. ​​

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