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Data and Maps

​​​​Section 8 ​Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Programs

​View AAHC​​​ ​program participation ​through our online StoryMap.

​​​​2020 Census Data

View census data​​ relating to affordable housing ​through our online StoryMap.

​​​​AAHC Properties

View ​the properties managed by the AAHC through our online StoryMap.

​Eviction Prevention Program

The Ann Arbor City Council approved funding to be administered by the Ann Arbor Housing Commission to assist Ann Arbor households who are behind in rent. Funds can be used to assist with past due amounts such as rent, legal and utility fees, maintenance and utility charges, and unpaid security deposit, to prevent eviction.

FY23-24 Program Requests and Approvals Demographics Report

​​Supportive Services Study

Many Ann Arbor Housing Commission residents utilize supportive services provided through our community partners. This supportive services study​ shows resident participation and impacts on housing during the COVID-19 pandemic at eight Housing Commission properties in 2020-2021.​

MSHDA Housing Data Portal

The Michigan Housing Data Portal provides easily accessible housing, demographic and economic data to help community members and housing stakeholders across the state understand key local trends, compare these trends to other geographies, and create detailed reports.

​​Access the Housing Data Portal​

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