Rain gauges
The City of Ann Arbor operates and maintains five tipping bucket rain gauges (5-min resolution) which are located at Barton Dam, South Industrial Hwy, Jackson Ave./Parklake Ave, University of Michigan North Campus Area and City Hall.
Stream gauges
The United States Geological Service, in conjunction with the City of Ann Arbor, maintains three stream gauges that measure and track river flow.
Archived studies and projects
Sanitary Sewer Wet Weather Evaluation Project
- Complete final SSWWEP report (35MB PDF)
- Q & A log (PDF)
- Basecamp log (Zip file)
Fourth floor, 301 E Huron St., P.O. Box 8647, Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Systems Planning
734.994.1744 (fax)
734.994.1744 (fax)
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