Archived News Release: January 25, 2018 - The Ann Arbor Police Department is inviting residents and businesses in the city to attend a Neighborhood Watch Community Meeting. AAPD will share information about police department programs and changes within the department; area-specific crime statistics; prevention tips; and how to stay informed and get involved. These meetings will also provide the opportunity to ask questions or voice concerns.
Meetings are being held throughout the city; and residents and businesses are encouraged to attend the meeting closest to them for information specific to their neighborhoods. (See the map to determine the neighborhood area you're in - PDF.)
If you have questions about these meetings, please contact the neighborhood watch coordinator, Police Service Specialist Jamie Giordano, at 734.794.6900, ext. 49528 or [email protected].
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Jamie GiordanoAnn Arbor Police Department Police Service Specialist734.794.6900, ext. 49528[email protected]
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