Archived News Release: May 13, 2020 - The City of Ann Arbor is providing updates on operations involving construction plan review, permits and inspections amid the State of Michigan Stay Home, Stay Safe Executive Order.
Plan review and permit submission:
In accordance with the state executive order, permit applications and plans for review will continue with digital submission via email (up to 150MB) using the [email protected] email address.
At this time, expedited plan reviews have been suspended until further notice. The city will actively assess the demand for this service and, when the state stay-home executive order is lifted, will determine when conditions will allow for expedited reviews to resume.
Issued permits and approved plans will be posted online for public access via eTRAKiT at
Invoices can be paid online. (Click the “pay for" pull-down menu, then click “invoices." A service fee will apply). When prompted for a password, please enter your ZIP Code as it appears on the invoice. Payment may also be submitted via mail to the city's third party payment processing center: Dept #77621, City of Ann Arbor Treasurer, PO Box 77000, Detroit, MI 48277-0621.
Questions regarding plan review can be directed to Deputy Building Official Mike Lemieux at [email protected] or Development Services Inspector Chris MacFarland at [email protected].
Onsite inspections for building and trades have continued (as of Monday, May 11). Inspections should be requested online through eTRAKiT at Inspectors will continue regular communications with the public to discuss their inspection needs and verify timing.
Inspections for rental properties will resume after the statewide stay-home order has been lifted.
As a regular protocol for both building and rental inspections, the city will screen all inspectors daily for COVID-19 symptoms, inspectors will be equipped with appropriate personal protective equipment, and each inspection will be performed adhering to the 6-foot distancing requirement.
Alternate means of inspections will remain an option as determined and agreed upon between project leaders and inspectors.
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Lisha Turner-TolbertBuilding and Rental Services Manager[email protected]
Ann Arbor has 123,851 residents, spans 28.97 square miles and is frequently recognized as a foremost place to live, learn, work, thrive and visit. To keep up with City of Ann Arbor information, subscribe for email updates, and follow the city on Twitter and Facebook. The city's mission is to deliver exceptional services that sustain and enhance a vibrant, safe and diverse community.