Westgate Shopping Center Water Main Replacement Project


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​​Project Limits

Westgate Project map image.jpg

Entrances to the Westgate Shopping Center off Maple as well as in the parking lot.​

Project Manager
Francisca Chan, P.E.
[email protected]
​734.794.6410 ex.43701

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Public Engagement

Fall 2024


Spring - Fall 2024


Summer 2025

​Why is this project being done?

Due to a history of water main breaks, the existing 8" water main, installed during the 1960's, will be replaced with a new 12" water main, which will also be rerouted further from buildings to improve water flow to surrounding properties.

Work to be done

The work includes replacement of major por​tions of the existing water main, and in some areas new alignment and tie-ins and transferring service leads to the new water main.

Possible impacts

During the design phase of this project, public input will help the project team understand the concerns and interests of impacted businesses. The project team will work with individual property owners and business to mitigate impacts to the extent possible.

Costs and funding Sources

  • Ann Arbor water funds

Project materials