The Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) outlines a six-year schedule of public service expenditures for large, physical improvements that are permanent in nature, including the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the community to function.
The current CIP covers fiscal years 2024-2029 (starting July 1, 2023, and ending June 30, 2029). The Updated FY2024-2029 CIP was approved by Planning Commission on December 5, 2023. The City Planning Commission materials include the complete CIP report, a list of newly added projects, a project clean-up summary identifying all projects completed since the last CIP cycle, and detailed information about the prioritization metrics used in the CIP process.
Updated FY2024-2029 CIP Quick Facts and Resources:
Complete listing of Updated FY2024-2029 CIP
Project Costs by Asset Category (PDF)
Access detailed CIP project information through an
interactive mapping tool
473 total projects included
Just under $1.2 billion of funding needed for projects within the six-year planning period
Just under $1.7 billion of funding is needed for the total project costs, which includes the six-year planning period plus funds spent prior to FY2024 and required funds needed after FY2029
The graphic above shows how 473 capital projects planned from fiscal year 2024-2029 are represented across all asset groups. The top three asset groups by number of projects are: Water System, 107 projects; Street Construction, 84 projects; and, Stormwater Management, 76 projects.
The graphic above shows funding needed for all 473 capital projects planned from fiscal 2024-2029. Total from FY24-29 is shown, as well as the current year budget alone (FY24) and the amount needed for the upcoming budget year. The total funding needed from FY24-29 is $1,178,343,000. The Current Year (FY24) funding needed is $116,738,000. The amount needed in the upcoming budget year is $192,819,000.
The graphic above shows how funding needed for capital projects from fiscal year 2024-2029 is represented across all asset groups. The top three asset groups by funding needs are: City Owned Buildings, $496,175,000; Water System, $234,010,000; and, Street Construction, $93,340,000.