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Financial Reporting

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Ann​ual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) of the City of Ann Arbor is management's annual financial report to its taxpayers, members of City Council, investors and creditors.
The ACFR is presented in three sections:
  • The introductory section contains the transmittal letter, list of officials and the government's organization chart.
  • The financial section has two parts, which includes the Auditor’s report and the Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A). The MD&A is a discussion to our reader to gain an understating of the City of Ann Arbor financial condition and activities. The 2nd part includes the basic & combining statements, and other required supplemental information.
  • The statistical section includes selected financial and demographic information.

Singl​​e Au​dits

The Single Audit is a federal requirement financial report to include all expenditures from federal grant funding. This report is generated on a fiscal year basis (June 30th) as the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA).

Annual Budg​​​ets

The annual budget is the City's plan for providing services to the community during the fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30.   

Other Documents 

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