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Standard Operating Procedures

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Standard operating procedures encompass the administration, operations, training, safety, fire prevention, apparatus, and equipment aspects of the fire department including but not limited to organizational authority and structure, expectations, and pre-determined operational engagement instructions for emergency operations.

AAFD Box Alarm Cards 2021 August.pdf
Pump Operations & Hydraulic Reference.pdf

1 - Administration

1.01 Standards of Cover.pdf
1.02 Governance Documents.pdf
1.03 Administrative Notification.pdf
1.04 Media Relations.pdf
1.05 Hydrant Use.pdf
1.06 Legal Request.pdf
1.07 Purchasing.pdf
1.08 Ride-Along.pdf
1.08 Ride-Along Form.pdf
1.09 Recognition
1.10 Telestaff.pdf
1.11 Appearance and Uniform.pdf
1.12 Emergency City Coverage.pdf
1.14 Station Duties.pdf
1.15 Administration of Equalized Overtime.pdf 
1.16 Operations Staffing
1.17 Customer Complaint.pdf

​​​2- Safety and Training

2.01 Respiratory Protection.pdf
2.02 Apparatus Driving, Inspection, & Accountability.pdf
2.03 Hearing Conservation.pdf
2.04 Power Lockout.pdf
2.05 Personal Protective Equipment.pdf
2.06 Training.pdf
2.07 Driver Operator Training.pdf
2.08 Occupational Injury and Incident Reporting.pdf
2.09 Live Fire Training.pdf 
2.10 Occupational Medical Surveillance.pdf 
2.11 Helmet Cameras.pdf
2.12 Peer Support Team and Mental Health.pdf

3 - Incident Management, Fireground, and Routine Operations

3.01 Deployment.pdf
3.02 Establishing Command.pdf
3.03 Situation Evaluation.pdf
3.04 Strategy and Incident Action Plan.pdf
3.05 Communications.pdf
3.06 Organization.pdf
3.07 Review, Evaluate, Revise.pdf
3.08 Continue, Support & Terminate Command.pdf 
3.09 Search.pdf
3.10 High-Rise Standpipe Fire Operations.pdf
3.11 Flammable Gas Incident.pdf
3.12 Traffic Incident Management
3.13 Air Monitoring
3.14 Incident Response.pdf
3.15 Mayday.pdf
3.16 Vehicle Fire.pdf 
3.17 Downed Power Line Energized Electrical Equipment.pdf
3.18 Carbon Monoxide Incident.pdf
3.19 Police Assistance (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
3.21 Photovoltaic Installations.pdf
3.22 Forcible Entry.pdf
3.23 Working Fire Assignments.pdf
3.24 Lithium-Ion Battery Mobility Device Fires.pdf​​​

4 - Fire Prevention 

4.01 Incident Reporting.pdf
4.02 Fire Watch.pdf​​
4.2 Fire Watch Form
4.03 Automatic Fire Alarms.pdf 
​4.04 Fire Investigation ​(FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)​
4.05 Fire Prevention On-Call Scheduling.pdf 
4.06 Hydrant Flow Testing.pdf
4.07 Fire Inspections.pdf
4.08 Building Dept Notification.pdf 
4.09 Unsafe Structure Placard.pdf

​5- Emergency Medical Services

5.01 Infectious Disease Exposure Control Plan.pdf
5.02 Biohazard Wash Down and Mitigation.pdf
5.03 Safe Delivery of Newborns.pdf
5.04 Glucose Monitor.pdf 
5.05 EMS Protocols.pdf 
5.06 Lift Assists.pdf
5.07 Ambulance Billing.pdf
5.08 Ambulance Billing Audits, Compliance, and Complaints.pdf
5.09 HIPAA Compliance.pdf

6 - Special Operations

​6.01 Rescue Task Force (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
6.02 Confined Space Rescue.pdf 
6.03 Vehicle Extrication.pdf 
6.04 Water Rescue.pdf
6.05 Hazardous Materials Response.pdf 
6.06 Washtenaw County Hazardous Materials Response Team.pdf 
6.07 Elevator Rescue.pdf
6.08 Michigan Stadium (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
6.09 Washtenaw County Technical Rescue Team Response.pdf 
6.10 MABAS Deployment.pdf
6.11 Protest and Civil Unrest (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)​

7 - Apparatus, Facilities, and Equipm​ent​

7.01 Rope.pdf 
7.02 Incident Apparatus Fueling.pdf
​​7.03 Outdoor Warning System (FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY)
7.04 Radio Communications.pdf 
7.05 Hoseloads and Pump Operations.pdf 
7.06 Utility Terrain Vehicle 1 1​​
7.08 Station 5 Work Requests.pdf

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